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10 Wrong Myths on Healthy Diet

Each individual certainly wish to be healthy, can be lost the body weight, and has an ideal body shape. Error in obtaining the information have a heavy impact on the failure of a healthy diet that you want. Hence, you really need to know the myths about diet that actually derail your diet program, as reported by My Health News Daily and Total Beauty.

1. Low fat = Low Calorie

    Only because of a food or beverage product has a table of low fat or fat free, it doesn't mean low
calories, too. Fat in low-fat foods are normally replaced with a calorie-containing nutrients, like sugar, starch, and protein.

So, if you want your healthy diet be successful, keep the number of calories on your foods and do exercise regularly.

2. Dining on the Late Night Make Fat Fast

    Eating a heavy meal at night is not recommended, because it will interfere the digestive system. "Your weight will go up if energy intake is greater than the energy used," says Sara Stanner, a nutritionist and member of the British Nutrition Foundation, reported by My Health News Daily.

3. Energy Drinks Healthier than Soda
    May be some of you only know that energy drinks contain many vitamins and minerals, but in fact, still have a high sugar content and calories. It is necessarily all of you realize that the best drinks to replace fluids after exercising is mineral water.

If you have a healthy diet, you don't need to consume the energy drinks. In case, if you really need a liquid electrolyte, consume a pure green coconut water is better.

4. You can eat all Foods as long Doing an Exercise
    Even you do exercise for almost 2 hours, it doesn't mean you can eat freely everything you want. It's important to keep your food intake, don't overdo and don't lack, too.

Need to remember, your energy intake must correspond to the energy expended when you don't want to gain weight.

5. Helping Reduce Your Appetite with a Huge Breakfast Portions
    It's absolutely right that as much as the portion for your breakfast, your body will again feel hungry during the day. Consequently, you will continue to have lunch with the normal portion and leave a useless energy of body at breakfast.

6. Do not Consume Red-Meat Diet

    Actually, a beef or lamb is a source of good protein and iron, but you should consider before taking them. You're able to select a part of meet, such as sirloin or near the rib area, then thinly sliced and get rid of the fats.

7. Body Fat is Heredity and is not Customizable
    As natural, human being inherit a gene or body shape of his parents. It doesn't mean if your father or mother fat, then you could not have an ideal body.

Trying to discipline diet and do exercise continuously and regularly, you will get the ideal body shape. 

8. A White-Meat has Lower Fat

    Consuming chicken meat is assumed healthier, but basically it will make more fat than red meat (beef or lamb). For comparison, sirloin steak have at least 5 grams of fat per 100 grams, while the chicken thighs can have up to 9 grams per 100 grams.

9. Eggs enhance Cholesterol Trigger
    Based on a study of the University of Surrey, found that there is no test subjects increased cholesterol levels after doing a diet by eating two eggs a day for 12 weeks. The conclusion is it's not enough getting an ideal body shape by just eating eggs.

10. Uncooked Vegetables are Better

      Many assumption that the longer cooking vegetables, it will be more nutrients are wasted. But that statement isn't necessarily true. For instance, the carrot. When cooked carrots, the cells damage is going to produce three times more beta-carotene; an antioxidant that helps protect your skin.


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