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Are You a GIRL?? Don't eat a Banana !!!

Do you like a banana??? How many banana you eat every day? But you know banana is harmful for you a girl or unmarried.

As a girl, absolutely you always keep your body healthy and your mind is convenience. You consume enough nutritious foods to support your body be fit and healthy. You also like to eat many fruits to complete your vitamin's need. But remember, if you're unmarried, don't eat banana a lot.

Prohibition of eating a banana here is
a green banana. It's not without the reason. Like a nutrition specialist, Prof.Ir.Ahmad Sulaeman, MS, Ph.D said one scientific reason why girls shouldn't eat green banana, because this banana has a substance makes libido higher.

If you still consume the green banana more, it will be dangerous for your self; can increase your libido. The girl has not been able to wreak her sexual desires, right??? Because of you're not have a couple yet. In otherwise, if you're married, you don't need to worry to eat the banana many more. So girls, better to reduce it.



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