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BE AWARE!!!! Sudden Body Swells After Hair Coloring

It cannot be denied, almost all teenagers will be more interested to something unusual and many people liked. Want to be looked as a fashionable person, teens are willing to try the new thing, include hair coloring; very happy changing their hair color in a certain time. However, not all this case ends successful. Here are some fatalities hair coloring. They suffer an allergic like the body swells, the burned skin, and more fatal, death.

1. Bethany Rodd, 16 years old
It was due to para- phenylenediamine (PPD), a widely used chemical dyes could trigger an allergic reactions.
Before hair coloring
1 week after hair coloring (black color), a swollen face and her eyes nearly BLIND

WARNING!!!! Suddenly Body Swells After Hair Coloring
Her doctor described she couldn't hair coloring anymore for her health, and NOW Bethany should be given a series of steroid injections to prevent the allergic appear in the future. 

2. Jack Taylor
Several hours after using hair dye, Jack, 15, got his head swollen, blistered, in face and ears area. Rash on his face had to bleed, too.
After hair dye (source:
 He should receive an injections of steroid and antihistamines for four days until these symptom disappear.

3. Tabatha McCourt

More tragic effect occurs in a girl, 17 years old. An allergic reaction going very quickly and make this girl is hopeless. Only 20 minutes after coloring her hair, Tabatha felt a great pain, screaming, pulling her hair, vomiting and collapsed. And at the hospital, the doctors could not help her life. Tabatha passed away.

Do you still want to be the next victim of hair coloring????
Care yourself.


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